REMINDER: The SOMO MLS Dashboard Launches Soon!

It’s only ONE week away! The new Southern Missouri Regional MLS Dashboard is going live on MAY 31st.

It’s only ONE week away! The new Southern Missouri Regional MLS Dashboard is going live on MAY 31st.

You will still log in at, but the MLS will have a new look and feel. Once you log into the dashboard, all of your applications and resources are just one click away! With some applications, you will gain instant access without needing to login again!

Here’s a sneak peak of what you will see:

Dashboard Sneak Peak
Dashboard Sneak Peak


Think of this dashboard as your virtual office. It will be the central hub for all the resources offered to you by SOMO MLS. Your favorite applications will be one click away, from any device, providing convenience and saving you time!

We’re excited to show you the new Dashboard on MAY 31st!

Looking forward,


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As a service organization, GSBOR looks to provide the nebulous, often intangible, yet invaluable commodity of service to REALTORS® in the Springfield area.

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