MLS Rules Reminder

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MLS Rules reminder:
  Section 1.8 Listing Parent/Child Properties
The relationship of an active property or properties must be made apparent by the assignment of either a Parent or Child designation to each listing in the MLS and on the property data form when: a. a property may be sold as a whole or as parts (e.g., a total of 30 acres is for sale, but could also be sold separately as 10 and 20 acres, or as 10 acres each) b. a property can be considered more than one type of Property Type (e.g., a home that has potential to be a rental property may be listed as both Residential for Sale and Commercial for Sale)
When entering the listings into the MLS, these guidelines should be followed: a. Assign Parent/Child designation in the General Tab, as well as on the Main Fields Tab. Both tabs are required to be completed on each listing. b. If the property Closed as part of only one sale, only one listing may be Closed in MLS. The other(s) should be Cancelled. c. If part of the property Closed and there are other sections of the property still for sale, the Closed information should be entered into the MLS within four (4) calendar days.

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