We recently received several mandated changes from NAR regarding MLS rules. While they don’t change our MLS rules a lot, there are two important things you should know.

First, when a member is found in violation of an MLS listing entry rule a fourth time, that member must appear before the MLS Board of Directors for a hearing as to whether their membership is suspended or other possible sanction. This differs from the existing rule whereby the MLS Board just decides whether or not suspension takes place. Further, it is important to note that this has to be for the same, specific violation, such as improper address or failure to attach a seller’s disclosure when required. Therefore, we hope that this change affects a very, VERY small group of people.

Secondly, the rule change mandates require the member’s DR to accompany them to the hearing.

As always, if you have any questions, please give Jeff Kester a call at the Board office.


On March 1, 2021, Springfield MLS will implement the NAR approved Standard of Practice rules for multiple listing services. In addition, the Springfield MLS Board of Directors approved another rules update that is currently in effect.  Complete information can be found HERE.  Springfield MLS Rules & Regulations can be found HERE.
NAR Mandated Standard of Practice Rules Additions:
Section 1.2.0 Accuracy of Listing Data
The following has been added:
Participants and Subscribers are required to submit accurate listing data and required to correct any known errors.
Section 7 – Compliance with Rules, Authority to Impose Discipline
The following has been added:
MLS participants and subscribers can receive no more than three (3) administrative sanctions in a calendar year before they are required to attend a hearing for their actions and potential violations of MLS rules, except that the MLS may allow more administrative sanctions for violations of listing information provided by participants and subscribers before requiring a hearing. The MLS must send a copy of all administrative sanctions against a subscriber to the subscriber’s participant and the participant is required to attend the hearing of a subscriber who has received more than three (3) administrative sanctions within a calendar year.
Section 9 – Enforcement of Rules and Regulations
The following has been added:
When requested by a complainant, the MLS will process a compliant without revealing the complainant’s identity. If a complaint is subsequently forwarded to a hearing, and the original complainant does not consent to participating in the process, the MLS will appoint a representative to serve as the complainant.
Section 2.12 of the Springfield Multilist Rules and Regulations, subsection d, now reads as follows:
d. Days on Market (DOM) will begin calculating when the listing’s status changes from “Coming Soon – No Showings” to “Active.”

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As a service organization, GSBOR looks to provide the nebulous, often intangible, yet invaluable commodity of service to REALTORS® in the Springfield area.

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