CE and Tech Bundle with John Mayfield

SPECIAL BUNDLE - 9 HR Elective Credits + 1 NON CE Technology Workshop

WHAT: 9 Hour Elective Continuing Education Credit + Non-CE Tech Workshop
WHEN: July 28-29, 2020 • 9:00AM-12:00PM & 1:00PM-4:00PM
WHERE: GSBOR Classroom
WHO: John Mayfield


Join International speaker and technology guru, John Mayfield has he shares with you the latest tips, tools, hacks and “secrets” to grow your online presence as a real estate professional.  During this fast paced informative workshop you will discover the latest apps and tools to save you time and generate new income for your real estate business.
Bring your smartphone, computer and or tablet and be prepared to learn some super cool technology to put you miles ahead of the competition.  Space is limited, so be sure and sign up today!

SPECIAL BUNDLE – 9 HR Elective Credits + 1 NON CE Technology Workshop

Understanding Credit Reporting: 3 HR Elective CE  –  9AM-12PM
Helping Consumers Understand BIG Data: 3 HR Elective CE  –  1PM-4PM

Technology Risk Management: 3 HR Elective CE  –  9AM-12PM
New Strategies, Hacks, & Tips to Grow Your Online Presence: NO CE – 1PM-4PM

Cost: $100 for 4 CLASS BUNDLE or $35 per class

CLICK HERE to register!

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