Community Blood Center of the Ozarks Blood Drive

The Community Blood Center of the Ozarks is coming back October 10 from 10am-2pm. This time CBCO is bringing the largest blood mobile, meaning we have additional slots to fill. The Blood Drive will be partnering with the First Ever AFFILIATE EXPO!

The Community Blood Center of the Ozarks is coming back October 10 from 10am-2pm. This time CBCO is bringing the largest blood mobile, meaning we have additional slots to fill. The Blood Drive will be partnering with the First Ever AFFILIATE EXPO! BBQ Lunch and raffle prizes will be available during the 4 hour event.

To sign up for the Blood Drive CLICK THIS LINK!

For more information on the Affiliate Expo CLICK HERE!


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As a service organization, GSBOR looks to provide the nebulous, often intangible, yet invaluable commodity of service to REALTORS® in the Springfield area.

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