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The end of 2016 is fast approaching, and there are several forthcoming year-end procedural items and updates.


Forms Updates will go live November 15, 2016

The local GSBOR Forms Committee has completed the task of updating the real estate contract and other related forms. You will be receiving a separate e-mail later this week with a red-lined version and concise report of the new forms updates. These forms will go live in Transaction Desk on November 15, 2016.


Broker Audits must be completed no later than December 1, 2016

As per our board bylaws, we will be sending out a request to all the DRs that a verification form be filled out certifying all of the licensees in your office. Please remember that it is a membership requirement to complete these forms and that all licensees with your office must be REALTOR® members of GSBOR. More info will be forthcoming, watch your inbox. The due date for completing this verification will be December 1, 2016.


Supra Key Audits must be completed by December 15, 2016

Our contract with Supra requires an audit of all Supra Keys [both the app on your smartphone (eKey) and the ActiveKey] each year. This is a small task, that is to be completed online, and must be done by December 15, 2016 to avoid shut off. More information will be coming to the agents on this process. Brokers will be notified by the end of the year of those agents that have not completed the audit.


Code of Ethics completions due by December 31, 2016

Notice has been sent to all members who have not completed their 2.5 hours of Code of Ethics training for this quadrennial cycle. It will contain a link for completion online if the agent has not done so. This must be completed by December 31, 2016. Brokers will receive a weekly e-mail of all agents in their company who have not completed this membership requirement. We appreciate your assistance in helping us get this accomplished so that we do not have to drop members for non-completion. If an agent has completed the Code of Ethics training but has not received credit for it, they can contact our office and provide the completion certificate.


Annual Board Dues deadline is January 31, 2017

Heads up – the annual board dues statements will be sent via e-mail to all members on December 12th and will need to be paid no later than January 31, 2017. The final dues amount will be set at the November board meeting, and I feel confident that there will not be a significant increase. The local dues will likely remain the same for the 19th year in a row as your board of directors has been thoughtful and careful to live well within our means. 🙂 Stay tuned for more information and an official notice from the board.


MLS RETS and IDX Rules Update

At the October SOMO Regional MLS Board of Directors meeting, an update to the IDX Rules and Regulations was ratified. SOMO Regional MLS will be contacting all RETS feed vendors with the updated Rules and Regs document and will also be updating current contracts, if necessary. No action from you is required at this time.

Of course, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at (417) 883-1226 or via e-mail to support@gsbor.com.


About Us

As a service organization, GSBOR looks to provide the nebulous, often intangible, yet invaluable commodity of service to REALTORS® in the Springfield area.

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