REALTOR® Education

REALTOR® education is vital to the continued excellence of our members. Check out our course enrollment policies, education schedule and online class catalogue.

Continuing Education

The MREC requires that all licensees in the state of Missouri complete 12 hours of continuing education every two years. Brokers must have their 12 hours of education completed by June 30th of even years and salespersons must have their 12 hours of education completed by September 30th of even years.

If a licensee fails to complete his or her education by the renewal date, it will cause a loss of license and the licensing process must begin again. MREC requirements are 12 continuing education hours. Three hours must be in the form of a core class and the remaining 9 hours can be in elective classes. Course providers must be MREC approved and must supply the student with a proper certificate of completion for each course. Students who complete education using an online service are not limited in daily credit hours. Students who complete education in a classroom can only receive credit for 6 hours in a 24 hour period.

GSBOR is pleased to offer quality online education for Missouri real estate agents. Complete your continuing education for license renewal right here. Looking to enhance your career and brand yourself through a designation? Go no further. Online educational opportunities are offered through NAR’s REALTOR® University, and The Continuing Education Shop, Inc. Each of these online schools has online support staff available, or you can contact GSBOR Staff at for information.

View Upcoming Courses

Check Continuing Education Hours

Check your renewal information and status here.

From the NAR:

REALTORS® defined professionalism in this industry more than 100 years ago when they created the Code of Ethics. The award-winning C2EX program takes professionalism to the next level by enabling NAR members to assess their expertise in 10 (11 for brokers) elements of professionalism ranging from customer service to use of technology.

This innovative engagement tool encourages participation in all levels of the REALTOR® organization. It’s not a designation or a course. It’s not a requirement, but a benefit available to all NAR members at no additional cost.

To get started, log in to and take the self-assessment that measures your proficiency in each of the elements of professionalism, known as the C2EX Competencies. Based on your results, the platform will generate customized learning paths, recommend experiences, and provide tools and resources to increase your knowledge and enhance your skillsets.

Course Enrollment Policies

Ninety percent of the registration fee will be refunded upon written request within at least two calendar days’ notice prior to the class. All requests can be written to

Pre-registration is required.

We do not maintain a waiting list. If a class is full, please check back often for cancellations.

There are two online ethics training courses available on, New Member Orientation Program and Biannual REALTOR® Ethics Training. Failure to complete the course can result in loss of local, state and national membership.

Regarding Continuing Education seated courses: Late arrivals will not be admitted, regardless of the reason. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Per MREC’s statutes in Chapter 7, we must abide by this with no exceptions. You are required to attend the whole class to receive a course completion certificate and Continuing Education Credit.

Learn More About REALTOR® Education.

If you need more information about continued education courses, hours or policies, email for assistance.