Ozarks Food Harvest Food Drive

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Who will take home the prize this year?

It’s time for the 2nd Annual REALTORS® vs Affiliates Food & Fund Drive to benefit Ozarks Food Harvest! We had a wonderful response at the kick-off on February 8th, raising over $250 and filling 3 barrels!

There will be barrels and cash donation boxes to fill at the GSBOR office, as well as some offices around town. You can also make a monetary donation AT THIS LINK, if you would prefer to donate online. If you would like to check out a barrel or box to fill at your office, please contact Rachel@gsbor.com or stop by the Board office.

The annual food drive will last until Friday, February 22nd at 5pm and the winner will be presented with the TRAVELING FORK TROPHY!


About Us

As a service organization, GSBOR looks to provide the nebulous, often intangible, yet invaluable commodity of service to REALTORS® in the Springfield area.

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